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Celebrating what is most important

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While I enjoy the game, I do not get out golfing as much as I would like these days. When I do it is usually with my father who is an avid golfer. We enjoy the time together and certainly the friendly competition!

Utilization, everyone is doing it!

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We are on a mission. We’re setting out to clear the air and build an understanding. We’re determined to put an end to the madness and stop the confusion. Once and for all, we’re going to set the record straight and help everyone, everywhere, understand what we really mean when we say… UTILIZATION.


WHAT VALUE ANALYSIS LESSONS CAN WE LEARN FROM A CONDIMENT KIT? Last week, I ordered take-out lunch with a colleague of mine, Danielle, from a popular restaurant north of Boston. My Greek salad was prepared correctly and contained just the right amount of feta and olives. Danielle’s turkey club was perfect, spread with just the right amount of remoulade and topped with fresh veggies. Obviously, the restaurant cares about customer satisfaction and quality outcomes, similarly to a patient-focused, well-run hospital Supply Chain department that is steeped in product utilization and value analysis philosophy.


BLUE.POINT AND SOUTHCOAST HOSPITALS GROUP SELECTED AS A LEADING PRACTICE FOR CAUTI REDUCTION I am happy to share some exciting news from this year’s Association for Healthcare Resource & Materials Management (AHRMM) annual conference in Orlando, FL. There, AHRMM announced that BLUE.POINT and Southcoast Hospitals Group were selected as a leading practice for their work on reducing the number of Catheter Acquired Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI).

How detergent pods can save healthcare

Each year, 600 loads of laundry are performed by the average American household. There aren’t many steps to performing a well-washed load of laundry, yet more than half of households inaccurately perform the most critical task by over-pouring laundry detergent.

Supply chain expenses: A never-ending diet

It seems like everyone I know is on a diet nowadays. All my friends have crawled their way out from under winter got on their soap box and decided to get back in shape by embarking on some new, ridiculous way to lose the extra pounds. I’ve heard how the Atkins diet shrinks fat cells, how the South Beach Diet increases energy, and how the grapefruit diet not only helps lose weight, but also improves skin tone. I’m just waiting for the day that the tapeworm diet makes it to the soap box, wouldn’t that just take the cake (no pun intended).

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